Online Seminar, Madrid February 24 : “Personal and national freedoms in times of pandemic”
Online seminar organized by the One of Us Cultural Platform on March 3, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
DetailsObservatory of the dignity of the human person in Europe
Online seminar organized by the One of Us Cultural Platform on March 3, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
DetailsOnline seminar organized by the One of Us Cultural Platform and the Forum Neohumanism and Society on February 24, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
DetailsLa Plateforme culturelle One of Us organise un webinar autour du Pr Gérard-François Dumont, économiste et démographe, le 11 décembre, de 17h à 19h.
DetailsWebinar “Ecologie et population”, Paris 11 décembre 2020, autour du Pr. Gérard-François Dumont.
DetailsLa crise de la civilisation occidentale n’est ni politique ni économique, mais essentiellement spirituelle.
DetailsLe temps est venu de tirer les leçons que le confinement nous a laissées. L’une de ses leçons, est la valeur du recueillement, être en silence. Il y a des choses à dire et d’autres sur lesquelles il faut se taire.
DetailsWhether we like it or not, the global Internet prospers from the reductio ad bestiam of the human sphere. The new science of captology was formed at the dawn of the 21st century. This science operates via three successive, clinical acts: first it hypnotises; then it conditions; and finally it manipulates the mental slaves it has created.
DetailsThe virus is the extreme manifestation of a disorder, but it had been previously announced and denounced, as an unequivocal reality. We have the obligation to offer a certain light, which we possess at all times, however dim and limited it may be, starting with what each of us is receiving as life lessons in the face of the outbreak of the pandemic.
DetailsIn recent days there has been much social debate over the morality of using vaccines against Covid-19, in which cell lines obtained from human foetuses from induced abortions have been used in their manufacture.
DetailsThe problems in containing the pandemic in Asia, Europe and North America, raise doubts as to the appropriateness of the measures taken, many of them drawn from improvisation or, directly, from ignorance or error.